Electronic Circuit Diagrams



Analog Circuits and Opamp Designs. Analog Chips and Discrete Circuits. Oscillators and Waveform. Amplifiers and Servos.

LM331 A to D Mux Input Switch
Universal Signal Conditioning


Electronic Circuit Design Tool, EDA, Schematic Editor. Circuit Simulation. Spice Tools. Test Points and Testing Blocks.


Digital Logic Circuits. Interface Design. Data Bus Drivers. Digital Test Tools. CMOS and TTL chips. Multiplexers and Ports.

Digital Control for Analog Mux
Timer and Counter Module
Two Stage Sequential Timer


Analog to Digital Converters, Digital to Analog Converters, Multiplexers and Interface Modules. Input and Output Modules.

16 Channel Analog Multiplexer
Digital Control for Analog Mux
LM331 A to D Mux Input Switch
Synchronized Sample and Hold


Temperature and Pressure Indicators, Controllers. Data Loggers and Sensors. HVAC and Home Automation. Electrical Controls.

16 Channel Analog Multiplexer
Pt-100 RTD Four Point Alarm
Synchronized Sample and Hold
Timer and Counter Module
Two Stage Sequential Timer


Instrumentation, T&M Products, Oscilloscopes, Multimeters, Logic Analyzers, LCR Meters, Component Testing, HVAC and ATE.

Power Electronics

Power Supplies, DC to DC and AC to DC Converters, SMPS. Energy and Power management. Magnetics, EMI-RFI, Product Safety.

Embedded Systems

Microcontroller, SBC, SoC, DSP, FPGA, ASIC. From 80C31, PIC-Micro to ARM chips. Firmware Development, Compilers and IDE.

Audio Video